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5 Reasons Water Heater Maintenance Is Essential

Water heaters are underrated heroes when it comes to your plumbing system. Without a properly working water heater, you would not have access to hot water, which is essential for chores like laundry, washing dishes, taking a nice hot shower, and other household routines! Water heater maintenance is something homeowners often forget about, but it can be very important for your water heater. Just how important? Reasons water heater maintenance is essential includes:

1.   Extends Your Water Heater’s Lifespan

Getting regular water heater maintenance can ensure your water heater is up and running as it should for many years to come. With water heater maintenance, your water heater is thoroughly examined for any signs of damage and other services needed. Ignoring water heater maintenance can cause a variety of issues, such as sediment buildup that pushes a water heater to work harder and ultimately can cause it to fail.

2.   Monitors Water Temperature

With water heater maintenance, the water temperature is closely monitored. If there’s something wrong with the water temperature, this can indicate an underlying issue with the unit itself. If the water temperature is erratic, this can mean issues with hot water, as well as possible fluctuating water temperature that can slow down your household routine.

3.    Water Conservation

If your water heater is malfunctioning, you may actually end up wasting water. For example, if your water heater is taking too long to produce hot water, you may be running that shower for a long time waiting for hot water to finally appear. By providing water heater maintenance, you are making sure everything is running smoothly and that no water has to be wasted!

4.   Saves You Money

Water heater maintenance can pick up on any problems as they are developing, which means you won’t have to deal with a bigger repair service in the future that takes a hit at your budget! Water heater maintenance can be essential to ensure all issues and repairs are addressed as soon as possible, even when they are not as big of a problem yet.

5.   Safety

Water heaters contain devices that should be tested on an annual basis, such as temperature and pressure valves. Pressure valves can work to release excess pressure in a water heater, to prevent the heater from rupturing and causing possible flooding. Water heater maintenance ensures these devices are working just right!



Dealing with water heater woes or looking for water heater maintenance to make sure everything is working as it should? Call up a dedicated professional Downey Plumber, plumber in Los Angeles, Whittier plumber, Pasadena plumber, or Fontana plumber to provide water heater maintenance and any repairs you may need without further delay! Water heaters are essential to all households, and if going through regular water heater maintenance ensures this plumbing fixture lasts your home a long time and continues to function well, why would you delay this service? Do your water heater and your home a favor, schedule maintenance now!

Do I Need A Pedestrian Accident Lawyer?

Were you involved in a pedestrian accident? Are you aware of what a pedestrian accident is, but aren’t sure if you need a lawyer? There may be many reasons why you need a pedestrian accident lawyer, and that includes reaching a settlement when it comes to financial compensation. Here are a few reasons why you may find it in your best interests to hire a pedestrian accident lawyer:

Have I Been In A Pedestrian Accident?

Did you sustain an injury in a pedestrian accident? A pedestrian accident is defined as any form of accident concerning a pedestrian and a moving vehicle, whether it be a car, motorcycle, truck, and even a bicycle. As a pedestrian, if you were involved in an accident where you sustained an injury due to the recklessness or negligence of the other vehicle’s operator, a pedestrian accident lawyer should be one of the first people you call.

Do You Need Help In Proving Fault?

Another reason you may need a pedestrian accident lawyer is you need help proving fault of the driver that caused the accident. When it comes to proving fault in a pedestrian accident case, the key factors involved in successfully proving fault includes proof that:


  • Liable party owed a legal duty to take care of others
  • Liable party violated this duty
  • Due to the duty of care violation by the liable party, you suffered injuries
  • These injuries cost you damages and losses

Having Trouble Reaching A Settlement Agreement?

Reaching a settlement agreement in a pedestrian accident case may be one of the biggest factors on why you should work with a trusted expert pedestrian accident lawyer. Insurance adjusters may reach out and offer a lesser amount than what is fair to you, which is why having a pedestrian accident lawyer on your side can offer a variety of benefits when it comes to seeking the right to compensation. A pedestrian accident lawyer will handle all compensation communications on your behalf, trying to reach a settlement with insurance companies or simply taking your case to court when an agreement can not be reached.

Get Help Navigating Statute Of Limitations And Other Legal Deadlines

If you suffered a pedestrian accident, you may be feeling overwhelmed when it comes to filing a case on time and meeting the appropriate deadlines. You may be recovering from painful injuries and may be unable to dedicate the time needed to your claim. Working with a professional pedestrian accident lawyer ensures your personal injury claim is filed within the statute of limitations and that all other legal deadlines are met within a reasonable timeframe!


If you or a loved one were involved in a pedestrian accident and suffered injuries as a result, sitting down with a personal injury attorney in San Bernardino or personal injury lawyer in Billings, MT ensures you have a legal expert on your side throughout the lawsuit process. Get started on your claim to possibly receive just compensation today!

Do I Need To Take My Car To The Dealership I Bought It From For


If your car is finally due for a service, you may be wondering where to take it. For example, if you bought your car from a dealership, is the dealership the only place you can take it to for a service? Is the dealership the place that will know your car the most? If you are wondering this, we’ll explore it below, so you don’t delay on getting your vehicle the appropriate services it needs!

Is The Dealership The Only Place For Services?

Many car owners think that the dealership they bought their car from is the only place that will service it. However, this could not be further from the truth! You could take your vehicle to the dealership you purchased from for services, but these can actually be even pricier than at other auto repair shops.

Dealership Vs. Local Auto Repair Shops

When it comes to dealerships versus local auto repair shops for repair and maintenance services, which one should you pick? Let’s take a look at how each business differs.


Dealership Pros:


  • Dealerships specialize in specific brands of cars, so in the case of a unique emergency when it comes to your vehicle, dealerships can provide specifically trained technicians that handle that certain vehicle type.
  • Dealerships often contain parts for newer vehicles that may be difficult to obtain elsewhere. This can be beneficial when it comes to unique car repairs.


Dealership Cons:


  • A service at a dealership is often pricier
  • Dealerships may have varied customer service


Auto Repair Shop Pros:


  • Services work for varied budgets (aka can be much cheaper than dealership services)
  • Have more personalized services
  • Some auto repair shops honor third party warranties
  • Have high customer satisfaction, quality of work, price, and on-time repairs


Auto Repair Shop Cons


  • May not always have the parts needed for newer vehicles, such as those of the current year
  • May not specialize in a specific brand
  • You may not be aware of the right auto repair shop to work with for your vehicle


In Conclusion…

Dealerships and auto repair shops can offer different experiences when it comes to vehicle services. Dealerships are pricier, but can offer original manufacturing parts for your vehicle if needed. Auto repair shops offer lower pricing, higher customer satisfaction, and a personalized service experience for you. For many vehicle owners, going to a local auto repair shop in their area is often preferred, for the reasons listed above. It can all depend on your make and model of vehicle, along with the services needed! One thing is for sure, a local auto repair shop will give their all when it comes to providing good services!

Need A Local Auto Repair Shop In Highland?

If you are looking for a Highland auto repair shop to take your vehicle in for any service, Import Automotive is the business you can trust! Bring your car in and let us work our magic!

What NOT To Do During A Divorce

he divorce process can be long and tedious, and emotions may run High. However, there are just some things not recommended you do during the divorce process, to save you from further complications. You may hear some of these tips from a trustworthy lawyer, but just in case, here are some things not to do during a divorce!

1.  Don’t Ignore Your Children

During the divorce process, it is important not to forget about your children. Your divorce may impact them as well, so it is important to spend time with them and know they are still your top priority no matter what.

2.  Don’t Expect To Get Everything

When it comes to divorce, many things are put on the line and it may feel like you are fighting for everything. It is important you ask yourself, do I really need all of this? Pick the most important things that you want (child custody, financial support, etc.) and don’t expect to receive everything. It is important to pick your battles concerning what truly matters the most as you navigate this legal process.

3.  Do Not Act Out Of Anger Or Spite

Many emotions might come to light during the divorce process, but it is important that you do not let emotions overcome your common sense. A moment of anger or righteousness can end up costing you much more than you want Oh, and it is important you focus your energy on the things that matter most, such as your children. Work with a professional divorce lawyer who can help offer moments of clarity if you find yourself getting emotionally overwhelmed.

4.  Don’t Hide Facts From Your Attorney

It’s safe to say that divorce can bring out a lot of dirty laundry for both spouses, but this should never mean you hide any facts from the attorney you are working with. Your divorce attorney is the legal professional dedicated to making sure the divorce process for you is as smooth as possible, while also working in your best interest to see how you can make it out of the divorce with as much wellbeing and ease as possible. Don’t hide anything from your attorney, it will be bound to come out later on anyway.

5.  Don’t Post On Social Media

In a moment of anger, it may seem like a good idea to post about your  soon-to-be ex-spouse on social media, but this is not at all something you should do! Social media is never private and a moment of anger can end up making it to the courtroom and making your divorce process a bit more difficult.

Need A Professional Divorce Lawyer?

The divorce process can be difficult and emotionally taxing. Work with a highly professional divorce lawyer in Carlsbad to make the legal path to divorce a smoother one. You will be connected to a legal expert that has your best interests at heart and will always advise you on next steps to ease worries or stress.

Vacation To-Do List To Keep Your Home Secure

hen you’re about to embark on a vacation, there’s a few things you should check off your to-do list. You may have to pack, make sure you know the itinerary of your flight, and other tasks. There is also the matter of leaving behind your routine and your home. One of the biggest worries for many homeowners about to go away for a while is keeping their home secure while they’re gone. Need tips to keep your home protected, so you can enjoy your vacation? Here are some of the things you can do:

Have A Friend Check In

While you’re away, it doesn’t hurt to have a friend or family member check up on your home every once in a while. They can bring in your mail, leave a light on if needed, and make sure everything is locked and secure. When you have someone checking in on your home, you can relax and unwind during your vacation with complete ease.

Check Doors And Windows

Make sure the locks in your doors are in excellent working condition, and get any repairs done if needed. A professional locksmith can provide much-needed services to leave the locks of your doors ready for use.

Set Indoor And Outdoor Lights On A Timer

You may want to create the illusion that you’re home while you’re away on vacation. To do this, you may want to invest in some smart lights that you can program to go on and off at certain times. If you have someone checking up on your home, you may want to ask them to keep a light or two on when they leave.

Keep Valuables Hidden

A rule of thumb for all homeowners going on vacation is to keep precious valuables hidden far away from the naked eye. Consider acquiring a safe to keep any important papers and items stored away, as well as leaving blinds closed in your bedroom and office to avoid any curious eyes.

Call A Professional Locksmith

Are your locks damaged? Would you like to change out a weakened lock before you go on vacation? Are you in need of an extra key to leave a housesitter? Calling a professional locksmith should be on your to-do list! When you work with a professional locksmith, you can be sure you will get the most valuable solutions for additional protection and security.


When you are going away on vacation, there are a lot of chores you want to get out of the way before you can truly jet away and relax. One of the biggest concerns for many homeowners before going away on vacation is making sure their home is left protected and guarded. One of the ways to make sure your home is taken care of well is calling up a professional Hesperia locksmith or Victorville locksmith to repair and replace any weakened locks that are putting your home’s security at risk, as well as providing key duplicates.

Signs of a Sewer Backup

sewer backup can be a cause for great concern when it strikes your household. The most important thing to do after noticing a sewer backup is to get the help of a professional. Are there signs that can tip you off to the fact there is a sewer backup happening in your property? Yes, there are a few! These signs should alert you that something is wrong and you should seek help as soon as possible. Signs of a sewer backup include:

Issues Flushing Your Toilet

If you’ve been trying to flush your toilet for a while and notice that the water is not fully flushing or flowing like normally, this can indicate a sewer line is clogged. After you notice your toilet is not flushing fully, make sure to rule out that this is not a toilet clog, and then you will know it is most likely a sewer backup issue.

Very Bad Odors

A properly working sewer should not be emitting any odors onto your property. If you are getting a whiff of pretty bad odors, such as mold, sulfur, or waste, this can indicate a problem with your sewer. Though bad odors can also signal other problems in your plumbing, bad odors should definitely warrant the attention of a professional.

Multiple Clogs

If it seems like you’re done battling one clog and immediately another one springs forward, this is a telling indicator of a sewage backup problem. If multiple clogs are happening in drains that are located in different rooms, it is more than likely there is a sewer issue going on.

Bubbling or Gurgling Sounds

If you notice bubbling or gurgling sounds coming from your bathtub, faucet, or toilet, the likely reason may be a sewer blockage. These noises may be prominent after flushing the toilet, pouring something down the drain, or simply running water.

Yard Changes

If you notice changes in your yard, such as pools of water, sinkholes, and even areas of your yard that are greener and better-looking than other parts, this can indicate that sewage is backed up and leaking over your yard. Yard changes are one of the biggest indicators of a sewage backup, and it is not something you can ignore. If you spot these differences in your yard, it is highly recommended to call a plumber who will thoroughly diagnose the problem.

Call An Eagle Rock Plumber Today!

If you suspect a sewer backup is going down in your property, it’s best to call a professional plumber as soon as possible to find out the problem and get a solution. For an San Marino Plumber or a plumber in Los Angeles you can trust, call Performance Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning! You should not have to face a sewer backup on your own or delay the proper treatment, as this can result in further damages on your property! By calling an expert to take a look at your plumbing and sewer, you can be confident there will be a solution!